Intellectual Property
The tech giant Apple may owe the University of Wisconsin upwards of $400 million for infringing a processor patent. Those […]
The mark for kryptonite, the mythical element that weakens Superman, goes back to 1943, a few years after Superman himself came on the scene.
A self-styled “Yogi to the stars,” lost a legal battle to copyright the series of yoga poses he popularized in […]
“It’s a start” is the best that can be said for the U.S.- China agreement to curtail cyber-theft of intellectual property.
In 2014 the Supreme Court handed down one of several critical patent decisions that have given defendants leverage against infringement […]
There are three new proceedings to challenge patents: inter partes review (IPR), covered business method proceeding (CBM) and post-grant review […]
At least 80 percent of the nation’s 100 largest law firms have been impacted in some way by data breaches, […]
The case had to do with the doctrine of laches, which penalizes a rightsholder that takes too long to assert its rights against a potential infringer.
Regulatory agencies, including the Department of Transportation, are trying to use copyright law to crack down on tampering with automobile […]
Arguing before the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, a lawyer for the Asian-American band called The […]
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