Intellectual Property
Industrial giant 3M has been sued by an inventor who claims that he was the inventor of what 3M later […]
The Federal Circuit held that a Disney licensee can sue for infringement of the licensed patent – a flame technology […]
The USPTO’s denial of a patent on a new way to bet on Blackjack, which required a specific pattern of […]
The Supreme Court this week refused to hear a lawsuit between DC Comics and a mechanic who has been building […]
This week the federal Patent Trial and Appeal Board dove into a biotech case that concerns the fate of billions […]
The Electronic Frontier Foundation gives its monthly booby prize in part with an eye toward shining a light on what […]
Some options are becoming institutionalized, by law and by way of voluntary arrangements through providers, but it’s piecemeal. What’s at […]
Google has panted a system called “Encouraging Conversation in a Social Network.” It activates when someone sends an email that […]
It was an IP version of David versus Goliath. The founder of, one of the largest online forums for […]
Mova, a technology that captures actors’ facial expressions and tics, and transfers them to animated figures for motion pictures, won […]
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