Intellectual Property

It’s Still Possible To Patent Software

A line of cases that began in 2012 and culminated in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International in 2014 has […]

“Los Pollos Hermanos” Artist Sues Breaking Bad Studio

Sony Pictures has been selling merchandise featuring the logo of fictional chicken joint Los Pollos Hermanos without permission, says artist […]

FTC Takes Aim At Patent Assertion Entities

Defining terms, the report steers clear of the loaded “patent troll,” but it does distinguish patent assertion entities (PAEs) from “non-practicing entities,” which it defines as “patent owners that primarily seek to develop and transfer technology.”

Supreme Court Cheerleader Case Could Upend Fashion Industry

This week the Supreme Court considered a case questioning whether cheerleader uniforms are subject to copyright protection, with the justices […]

Wrestling Lawsuit “Shamelessly” Plagiarizes NFL Concussion Suit

A lawsuit filed by 53 former professional wrestlers against World Wrestling Entertainment bore a striking resemblance to one filed against […]

Intel Spars With McAfee Over Use Of His Name

John McAfee and the Intel corporation are in court in the Southern District of New York in a dispute over […]

‘Spinal Tap’ Writer Suing After Getting Just $98 In Royalties

Over the last 30 years, the writer and co-star of cult favorite film, “This Is Spinal Tap,” Harry Shearer, has […]

Patent Filings Down This Year, IPR Cases UP

Patent filings were down in the third quarter, approaching levels not seen since 2011, according to data from Lex Machina. […]

IP At Risk When Selling Software To Public Agencies

A case in Washington state highlights the risk that companies take when they disclose intellectual property to public agencies – […]

Ed Sheeran Protests Loquacious Lawsuit

Lawyers defending singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran against a copyright suit complained to the judge, not that the suit lacked merit, but […]

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