Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Enforcement Hooks For The SEC

The SEC’s interest in cybersecurity began modestly enough in 2011 with letters requesting information, but it quickly moved to include  […]

Data-Breach Q&A With A Class-Action Lawyer

Fear of future injury hasn’t fared well as the basis for a claim when the injury is a medical problem […]

Net Neutrality Helped Sink Comcast, Time Warner Merger

Net Neutrality drew so much attention to public dissatisfaction with Internet service providers, it may have made regulators less willing […]

House Cybersecurity Bill Trades Liability Protection For "Sharing"

A bill that would extend liability protection for companies that share information about cyber attacks was passed by an overwhelming […]

Smart Cities Vulnerable To Hackers

The smart technology that proponents say could control municipal infrastructure, down to the traffic lights and water management, is vulnerable […]

Facebook, Twitter Accounts Property Of Bankruptcy Estate, Court Finds

The former majority owner of Texas gun store and shooting rangemust hand over the username and password for social media […]

Estate Planning For Digital Assets

The definition of “digital assets” keep expanding, now to include everything from emails and photos to client lists and domain […]

GOP Readies Legal Attack On Net Neutrality

Republicans dismayed at the FCC’s recently approved net neutrality rules are readying a variety of legislative strategies to undercut or […]

Net Neutrality Rules Published: Let The Lawsuits Begin

The FCC’s Net neutrality rules, 400 pages long, were filed in the Federal Register on April 13. Under the new […]

Defensible Deletion After Information Theft Is Discovered

What can a responsible employer do when it finds that a new hire has taken sensitive information from a former […]

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