Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

From Europe’s Privacy Regulators, Big Penalties But No Rules

In October of last year a European court invalidated the “Safe Harbor” that for 15 years had been the norm […]

Standing Is Key Issue In Cyber Lawsuits

District Courts have traditionally dismissed consumer lawsuits for data breach on the grounds that plaintiffs could not allege or prove […]

Could Hackers Take Over Your Car?

In a well-publicized experiment, hackers were able turn up the radio, blast cold air through the vents and activate the […]

In A First, SEC Fines Morgan Stanley $1 Million For Cybersecurity Lapse

According to the SEC, Morgan Stanley violated the “Safeguards Rule” by failing to prevent an employee from downloading customer information he was not supposed to have access to.

cybersecurity attack

Password Sharing Can Be Criminal

A former employee who hacked his old company using another worker’s password can be charged under the 1986 Computer Fraud […]

Warning: Security Products Can Backfire

Security software from some of the biggest and best-known companies in the cybersecruity business has been successfully…

Bidding High For Customers’ Emails In Bankruptcy Auction

Dick’s Sporting Goods this weekend put in the winning $15 million bid for the rights to 114 million customer files […]

Consumer Groups Target Cable Companies For Exploiting Customer Data

Several consumer groups have complained before both the FTC and the FCC regarding privacy and data-collection practices of cable and satellite companies AT&T, Cablevision and Comcast …

The Lure Of Cybersecurity “Workarounds” In Healthcare

From Kaspersky Lab, a look at an academic study of cybersecurity in the healthcare setting, a subject that has been […]

Privacy Assurances Save U.S., EU Data Transfer Pact

The European Union and United States’ Privacy Shield agreement is likely to be approved, after the U.S. provided reassurances that […]

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