Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
In October of last year a European court invalidated the “Safe Harbor” that for 15 years had been the norm […]
District Courts have traditionally dismissed consumer lawsuits for data breach on the grounds that plaintiffs could not allege or prove […]
In a well-publicized experiment, hackers were able turn up the radio, blast cold air through the vents and activate the […]
According to the SEC, Morgan Stanley violated the “Safeguards Rule” by failing to prevent an employee from downloading customer information he was not supposed to have access to.
A former employee who hacked his old company using another worker’s password can be charged under the 1986 Computer Fraud […]
Security software from some of the biggest and best-known companies in the cybersecruity business has been successfully…
Dick’s Sporting Goods this weekend put in the winning $15 million bid for the rights to 114 million customer files […]
Several consumer groups have complained before both the FTC and the FCC regarding privacy and data-collection practices of cable and satellite companies AT&T, Cablevision and Comcast …
From Kaspersky Lab, a look at an academic study of cybersecurity in the healthcare setting, a subject that has been […]
The European Union and United States’ Privacy Shield agreement is likely to be approved, after the U.S. provided reassurances that […]
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