Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
The European Parliament is considering whether to give robots the legal status of “electronic persons” as part of an effort […]
The Children’s Commissioner of England found that Instagram’s 5,000-word terms of use is written at a post-graduate level, and that […]
Some technicians working at a Best Buy Geek Squad facility in Brooks, KY, were doubling as part-time paid informants for […]
Browsers like Chrome and Safari that use autofill to fill in textboxes can be tricked into giving up your credit […]
No federal privacy law prevents businesses from tracking employees with a GPS or phone-tracking system. The practice is illegal without […]
Ride-sharing giant Uber has granted city planners across the country access to its transportation data, something local officials could use […]
A recent lawsuit revealed that the FBI has developed eight “confidential human sources” inside Best Buy’s massive Geek Squad repair […]
One more venue in which cybersecurity proves to be a potentially significant issue: An article in Practical Law from Latham […]
Two Indian teens last summer tipped off the U.S. Federal Trade Commission about a massive scheme based in their country […]
In 2016, hackers were at the center of two remarkable events: the assertion that Russian cyber-operatives influenced the U.S. election, […]
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