Title I is most relevant to companies, and this post takes a close look at what it says.
A journalist who aided hacker group Anonymous in defacing the Los Angeles Times’ website in 2010 is fighting a probation […]
One of the more popular product tie-ins to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” is a miniature remote-controlled toy of the […]
Five states now require employers to have an internal privacy policy that governs their ability to disclose some forms of […]
Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has warned that the Education Department is ripe for a massive cyber breach that would dwarf […]
New gun sale rules announced by President Obama could be setting up a collision between officials and the confidentiality protections […]
It’s now technically possible for employees to record just about anything that goes on in the workplace, including exchanges with […]
There has been an uptick in so-called whaling attacks against companies, and they have become more sophisticated, according to an […]
Law firms have been low-hanging fruit for hackers and spammers, at least in comparison to the corporations that are their […]
Fifteen short and to-the- point predictions about the shape cybersecurity problems will take in 2016, compiled from more than a […]
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