The European Commission and the United States have reached a tentative agreed on a new framework for transatlantic data flows. […]
Cybersecurity efforts are a major point of emphasis in the Obama administration’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2017, released this […]
A recent survey by the Ponemon Institute got feedback from about 300 hackers, most of them from the U.S., the UK and Germany. Their average yearly “compensation” would ….
In a recent survey of corporate information security practitioners, 93 percent of companies perceived people to be the biggest weakness […]
By intercepting emails between lawyers and their clients, hackers are stealing closing funds. The scheme has worked in at least […]
Following a massive cybersecurity breach that exposed the names, addresses, and Social Security numbers of about 22 million current and […]
Initially, the Big Data trend hit the legal market with services focused on billing, time management, marketing and customer service […]
Data breaches have policyholders “scrambling to fit the proverbial square peg into the round hole of their insurance programs.” Insurers […]
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is leaving Texas-based Bracewell & Giuliani to join Greenberg Traurig LLP. His old firm, […]
An LA Times columnist looks at a recent Federal Trade Commission report about the implications of “big data” and finds it…
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