
Don’t Be The Next Cyberattack Target

This is a good time to reassess cyber programs, determine how to limit the data that could be compromised, and […]

Man Who Hacked Subway Registers Gets Prison Time

A man who remotely accessed point-of-sale machines at Subway sandwich shops to fill gift cards has been sentenced to 18 […]

Home Depot Slammed With Civil Suits In Wake Of Data Breach

Home Depot’s massive information breach, in which data from 56 million customers was exposed, has led to at least 44 […]

A Cyber Insurance Primer

A product increasingly in demand has no standard form and has  not been around long enough to have been clarified […]

Your Vendor Can Be an Attack Vector

Some companies have learned the hard way that their own vendors can inadvertently be a route into the company’s information […]

Tech Giants’ Effort To Curb NSA Data Collection Thwarted By Senate

The Senate voted down a measure being pushed by Microsoft, Apple, Google and other Silicon Valley giants, that would have […]

State Department Emails Hacked

The State Department’s unclassified emails were hacked, around the same time the White House’s systems were subject to a cyberattack, […]

An Insidious Threat: Medical Devices As Hacking Portal

At a recent industry-government workshop hosted by the FDA, participants agreed that medical devices could become targets for hackers and […]

Law Firms Now Prime Targets For Hackers

It’s hard to think of a more concentrated agglomeration of sensitive information than a law firm’s computers or, increasingly, those […]

Facebook, Twitter Receive Praise For Resisting ‘Trademark Bullies’

Facebook, Twitter, online shopping site Etsy and photo service Flickr got high marks from the Electronic Frontier Foundation for not […]

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