
cybersecurity attack

Massive Gov’t Data Breach Has Wide Impact

The recent hack that exposed sensitive data on 4 million current and former government employees has a wider ripple effect, […]

CareFirst: A Primer on Data Breach Response

The breach was headlines last month, but apparently occurred about a year earlier and may have compromised data of more than a million members.

How To Interpret The FTC’s Vague Data Security Standards

The Federal Trade Commission has pursued dozens of companies for failing to adhere to reasonable data security standards, but nowhere […]

Two Cyber Cases Insurance Did Not Cover

It’s only been a few years since “data-breach” entered the lexicon of corporate mishaps, and not long after that, the […]

Who Regulates Tech In Europe?

The escalating battle between Facebook and regulators from several countries in Europe underscores an unanswered question: Who gets to regulate […]

Coming Soon: Self-Regulatory Industry Privacy Rules

The privacy and transparency rules developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) go into effect on September 1. They will […]

How Much Will A Data Breach Cost?

A recent study analyzes the costs of data breach remediation in a sample of 61 U.S. companies. The numbers are…

With Breaches Virtually Inevitable, The Response Becomes Crucial

With a data breach now about as certain as death and taxes, a comprehensive response plan is an absolute necessity. A study last year found that 43 percent…

What Is ESI, And How Do You “Govern” It?

Understanding two basic terms and how their meaning has evolved is the first step in confronting what has become the most difficult…

Hackers Target Biggest Business Weakness: Employees

While businesses look to build sophisticated technology to defend against cyber crime, hackers are exploiting the weakest link: workers. Mass […]

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