For companies subject to the SEC’s conflict mineral disclosure requirement, the first annual deadline is approaching (May 31). With that […]
In addition to a stronger version of the now familiar warning, the new rules would require labels to disclose the presence of certain specific substances and…
Ohio’s Attorney is filing two briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court in a case addressing an Ohio state law that […]
Government contractors will need to make intense efforts to hire veterans and persons with disabilities, in accord with regulations that […]
About half of U.S. businesses now use the cloud. Most find it cost-effective, convenient and fast. But with cloud services […]
During the period leading up to the housing bust, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s were giving high grades to mortgage […]
Sean McKessy, head of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of the Whistleblower, this week warned in-house counsel against drafting […]
The European Parliament has endorsed a privacy regulation that would have a profound impact on companies doing business in Europe […]
Most merger cases are resolved by way of consent decrees or by backing out of the merger. The analysis of […]
Businesses hoping to use drone aircraft were given a boost this week when a National Transportation Safety Board judge dismissed […]
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