
Netflix Deals With Verizon, Comcast Reshaping Net Neutrality Debate

FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler’s new proposed “open internet” rules may not even be the biggest threat to net neutrality, a […]

New Security Issues With Smart Grids And “The Internet Of Things”

More efficiency, more control, but but a lot of personal data will be routinely transferred from the consumer to the utility.

Seattle Proposes $15 Minimum Wage Plan

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray yesterday revealed a plan to raise the city’s minimum wage to $15 per hour, more than […]

DOJ, EBay Reach Settlement In Hiring Antitrust Case

The Justice Department has reached a settlement with eBay Inc. that will prevent the company from entering into “handshake” non-hiring […]

A New World Of ADA Cyber-Discrimination Claims

Websites, mobile apps and point-of-sale devices, like debit card readers, have become the subject of ADA claims, and the Department […]

Qualcomm Inc. Faces FCPA Charges For China Bribery

Qualcomm received notice from the SEC on March 13 that it recommends an enforcement action against the company for bribery […]

Report Finds Appeals Court Judges Violated Ethics Laws

In the last three years, appeals court judges sat on cases in which they had a financial conflict of interest, […]

Data Privacy Concerns Sink Gates-Funded Education Startup

Lingering concerns about the privacy of children proved to be an insurmountable obstacle for lavishly endowed education startup, inBloom. The […]

When Is An Internal Investigation Not Privileged?

Using company compliance personnel for an internal investigation could mean sacrificing the attorney-client privilege that would be allowed by using an outside law firm, according to a recent ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court.

The NLRB’s 2014 Initiatives

A memo from the NLRB’s general counsel highlight a few major issues the board is looking to focus on, which may mean dramatic changes are on the horizon for employers.

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