A former JPMorgan Chase & Co vice president and investment advisor was arrested this week and charged with stealing $20 […]
Responding to a Second Request from the government can be burdensome, time consuming and expensive, but it will be far less so if you’ve already done a dry run.
There is an exception to the Illinois trace law that is more bizarre than the law itself…
Despite requirements in 2010’s Dodd-Frank law, the CEO pay ratio – the comparison of chief executive pay to the median […]
A bi-partisan group of attorneys general from 14 states, led by New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, a Democrat, […]
The $3 billion dollar California Public Employees’ Retirement System has revised its investment policies so that they will consider a […]
Concealed weapons can legally be carried in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The liability implications for businesses […]
European regulators continue to scrutinize the biggest U.S. tech companies for possible antitrust and privacy violations, the New York Times […]
The SEC has taken its first enforcement action targeting an employment agreement that the agency says improperly restricted whistleblowing. The […]
A recently signed law in New Jersey will relieve merchants from an obligation to collect personal data from gift card […]
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