New York’s Attorney General can continue to require that charities disclose the identities of major donors, after a Manhattan judge […]
The whistleblower in a False Claims Act case that settled for $19 million won’t get any of it, said a […]
In the largest civil penalty ever imposed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles will pay $105 […]
In-house counsel, HR professionals and other executives were surveyed to determine which legal and regulatory issues are currently of greatest concern…
The state of Georgia is suing lawyer and tech advocate Carl Malamud for posting its laws to a publicly-available site. […]
Homejoy joins a list of “sharing-economy” companies, the best known of which is Uber, that have been targeted in similar lawsuits.
APCO Wordwide, the public affairs and communications consultancy, surveyed lobbyists and aides on Capital Hill “to find out which trade […]
A real estate partner in a Philadelphia law firm overheard a colleague discuss a pending merger with the legal assistant […]
Companies from India provided H-1B workers to a U.S. company, which then allegedly laid off U.S. workers in comparable positions.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has called for changes in the rules for the SEC’s administrative court system, which allows […]
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