Discovery Communications CEO David M. Zaslav is paid about 1,951 times that of the company’s average worker, the largest such […]
In a letter to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) called on the agency to “take aggressive action” […]
The district attorneys of Los Angeles and San Francisco are suing the ride service Uber, claiming that its system for […]
The Senate has passed the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2015 (CAARA). It gives protection to whistleblowers who provide, to […]
The Federal Communications Commission has issued a declaratory ruling that expands the reach of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The […]
DOL investigators and plaintiffs’ lawyers will be ready to shine the spotlight on any violations. How can employers…
An IT technician for a Silicon Valley law firm who used his access to confidential information to make lucrative stock […]
Widespread employee use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media has drawn the attention of both the NLRB and […]
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals gave a “respectful burial” (the court’s words) to a 1992 defendant-friendly precedent that made […]
The essentials of establishing a legal hold, starting with sending, in plain English, a directive to any potential information custodian, […]
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