The recent Safe Harbor decision from the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) gets a summary and analysis from […]
The watchdog Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has proposed new rules that would bar financial institutions from forcing checking account and […]
With its August decision in the Browning-Ferris case, the National Labor Relations Board widened its working definition of joint-employer, and […]
The recent settlement of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case against Hitachi was notable on two counts, writes Thomas R. Fox. […]
A recent National Labor Relations Board decision confirmed that if an employee requests the presence of a union representative during […]
It appears to be a one-off case of bald deception, but is there something other companies can learn from it? […]
The U.S. Bankruptcy Code was not designed to handle today’s complex financial markets, credit and derivative products and corporate structures. […]
A three-judge appeals court panel has upheld California’s newest anti-paparazzi law that targets reckless drivers who are taking photos, video, […]
The “Alternative Business Structures” model for law firms, which has been allowed in the UK since 2011, has triggered major […]
Generally, confidential information will be kept confidential, but there there are nuances that depend on the stage of the merger […]
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