Compliance » Appeals Court Shuts Down Net Neutrality Challenge

Appeals Court Shuts Down Net Neutrality Challenge

May 1, 2017

Obama-era regulations that require internet service providers to treat all online traffic equally will remain in place, for now, after a federal appeals court last week refused to hear a challenge. However, the Trump administration has indicated it intends to scrap the regulations. Consumer groups have pushed the rules, which prevent cable and telecom companies from charging for faster internet speeds, blocking certain sites or apps, or favoring some content over others. An eight-member panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit declined to hear an appeal from Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and other industry groups. Two judges dissented. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said in a speech that the court’s ruling was “not surprising.” He said the process of repealing the rules is expected to begin May 18.

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