Wrestling Lawsuit “Shamelessly” Plagiarizes NFL Concussion Suit

October 27, 2016

A lawsuit filed by 53 former professional wrestlers against World Wrestling Entertainment bore a striking resemblance to one filed against the National Football League – so striking that WWE lawyers filed a motion saying the suit “blatantly and shamelessly plagiarizes.” According to the motion, the wrestlers’ lawsuit asserts that actions, statements, and even entire studies done by the NFL were also done by the WWE. For example, the motion claims the suit changed an allegation in the NFL complaint about hiring “incompetent and unqualified persons” to create indefensible research, to assert that the WWE had done so. In reality, WWE never hired anyone to conduct such research, the motion states. Konstantine Kyros, a lawyer for one of the wrestlers, said their suit “does not rely on the NFL case, because the issues and history of the science of head trauma brought to light in the NFL fight lay the groundwork for the legal claims in this case.”

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