Whistleblower Tweeting About Tesla
August 20, 2018
A former Tesla process technician, Martin Tripp, has been fighting a well-publicized legal battle with the company. CEO Elon Musk accused him of giving confidential and false info about the company’s manufacturing practices to the press, and of “hacking” internal systems to do so. Tripp countered by formally filing a whistleblower complaint with the SEC, and now he is tweeting internal emails, photos and vehicle identification numbers, claiming that they are evidence of flawed manufacturing practices at Tesla’s battery factory that put drivers’ lives at risk. He claims Musk knows about the flaws. Tripp’s attorney initially said that his client’s Twitter account had been hacked and he was not responsible for the tweets, but now acknowledges that Tripp sent them. Musk is having Twitter problems of his own, after telling the world that he planned to take the company private and had the funding to do so.
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