Whistleblower Sues EPA and Energy Department

October 30, 2020

A whistleblower who served as the deputy chief of staff of the EPA in 2017 and 2018 has sued both the EPA over his removal and the Energy Department for not hiring him. The According to his lawsuit, he was “removed for retaliatory reasons and without due process of law because he engaged in a series of allegations to appropriate officials, human resources staff, agency counsel, and Congressional committees that the Administrator (early Trump-appointee Scott Pruitt) was engaged in a pattern and practice of incurring travel expenses, office improvements, and use of staff for personal tasks in violation of federal statutes, regulations and EPA policies.” The plaintiff leaked documents and gave information that spurred investigators to look into the retroactive altering of Pruitt’s public calendar and a request that staff help him find a condo in Washington. Pruitt was forced to resign in 2018. The plaintiff also claims that his whistleblowing at EPA caused him not to be hired by the Energy Department.

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