What Law Firms Can Learn About Cybersecurity From Other Industries
September 17, 2018
In some respects, law firms are at an advantage. Other industries, notably health care, have been hit earlier and harder, and for law firms, there are lessons to be learned. Among them: Encryption is a good investment. Another, says one security expert, has to do with some unfortunate similarities between doctors and attorneys. In the healthcare business, he says, it tends to be the doctors themselves and not the administrative staff who are most resistant to security awareness. They often operate in a VIP mode, putting “ convenience and speed of accessing patient records above the safety of patient information, and nobody wants to correct them.” The same expert, recalling the infamous Target hack in which a trove of customer data was accessed through an HVAC contractor that itself had been breached, underscores the special attention that must be paid to third-party vendors. It’s like hiring a babysitter for your child, he says. You don’t put something as precious as your own data into the hands of strangers.
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