Webcasts, Free Resources, Yoga Classes At E-Discovery Day

November 24, 2020

Thursday, December 3 marks the 6th annual E-Discovery Day, with 27 sponsors, 16 free resources, 11 webcasts, and seven other virtual events all taking place on one day. Users will be able to interact digitally and talk with other attendees. Educational webcasts are hosted by Exterro, Brightalk, Today’s General Counsel, ACEDS, Corporate Counsel Business Journal, and others. Virtual events will include free yoga classes, a wine and cheese happy hour and a cocktail mixing class. “EDRM will realign our resources into the flagship all-community celebration, E-Discovery Day,” said Mary Mack, CEO and chief legal technologist of EDRM LLC. “E-Discovery Day, created by EDRM Guardian Partner Exterro, is known for its great educational content and real-life gatherings. EDRM will provide our virtual platform for the shared experience and technology updates.”

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