Two NLRB Edicts Will Ease Union Organizing

December 22, 2014

Two recent actions by the National Labor Relations Board are a “one-two punch” that will make union organizing easier, according to Vedder Price. This law firm alert details both actions – new rules regarding elections and a decision about worker use of employers’ email systems – and offers some advice to employers who are potential organizing targets. The new rules will among other things shorten the time it will take for elections to take place after a petition, from around five to six weeks to between 14 and 30 days. Other rules will require employers to give union organizers better and quicker access to information about employees, including their location, phone numbers and email addresses. A separate NLRB decision requires companies to open their email system for union organizing purposes and for other “protected, concerted” activity, as long as the email system is already open to employees for work purposes. Exceptions to this requirement will be allowed, but rarely. However, the authors say, there are ways that employers can reduce or avoid its risks.

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