Trump & Family, Sued For Pitching Alleged Pyramid Scheme, Want The Case Sent To Arbitration

December 7, 2020

Fending off a lawsuit filed more than two years ago, lawyers for defendants Donald Trump and three of his adult children have asked an appeals court to send the case to arbitration. The plaintiffs, in a case filed in the Southern District of New York, claim that Trump testimonials promoted a pyramid scheme and duped them into falling for it. Details about the alleged scam, from a company called ACN, are described in a Washington Post article that appeared shortly after the lawsuit was filed, in October of 2018. Trump’s attorneys  now argue the plaintiffs are bound by a mandatory arbitration agreement they signed with ACN, but the plaintiff attorney maintains this is a fraud case, not a contract case, and it’s “about what Donald Trump said, not about what ACN said.”

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