The Many Faces Of HR Risk And The Policies That Insure Them

January 26, 2023

A somewhat surreal illustration of the intersection of two hallways, with a succession of door receding into the distance in two directions.
3D illustration. Door in the corner of the wall

Human Resources departments are inherently fraught with risk. They handle sensitive information, like social security numbers. They sometimes need to deliver the kind of “no” message that amounts to an unwelcome life-changing event to the recipient. They may be called upon to resolve disputes among agitated parties, in some cases including customers, and they routinely address sensitive issues like recruiting, employee benefits and medical leave. In this post from Zenefit, these and other potential HR problem areas are laid out with regard to the varieties of insurance coverage that may or may not address them. The writer looks specifically at three types of insurance – Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI), Fiduciary, and Errors & Omissions (E&O) – and considers various scenarios under which they might or might not apply.

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