The FCC Addresses AI Risks
June 9, 2023

In recognition of the significant potential and challenges posed by AI, the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC’s) Technological Advisory Council Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and Computing (TAC AIWG) addressed the impacts that wide-scale deployment and adoption of AI methods and techniques may have on the nation’s networks. The TAC AIWG identified five recommendation areas to deal with the risks linked to AI. The recommendations are (1) incorporate considerations for AI in the FCC Strategic Plan; (2) create a task force to address how the FCC can address important aspects of data governance and curation; (3) design a plan and strategy for a broadband map; (4) create policies and approaches to ensure the safe use of AI; and (5) use AI to conduct pilot projects to solve issues and problems that come before the FCC.
The FCC is also convening an industry-working forum of practitioners and experts who will analyze current regulatory framework requirements relative to the use of AI and machine learning (ML), and engage with other government agencies that have similar concerns. The FCC will monitor international activities, such as the European Union’s initiatives around AI regulation, and consider adopting proposed best practices. In addition, the FCC is actively taking measures to ensure the safe use of AI in communication networks and other applications. As AI evolves, the FCC will continue to develop the necessary policies, frameworks and best practices to ensure that AI is being used safely and responsibly.
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