TGC Magazine

Legal’s Role in Business Strategy

Lawyers are trusted advisors, but what happens when lawyers choose to be more? Can outside legal counsel be in a […]

Think You’ve Drafted an Airtight “No Oral Modifications” Clause? Think Again

A core tenet of contract law is that the contracting parties are masters of the agreement. Parties negotiate and ultimately […]

Cybersecurity Is a Fundamental Legal Responsibility

All practicing attorneys face daily threats from cybercriminals worldwide. It does not matter whether you work for a large firm […]

Companies May Unknowingly Be Subject to Government Contracting Regulations

As surprising as it may seem, many companies do not realize that they are considered government contractors and are subject […]

Manufacturing Abroad to Avoid Infringing a Method Patent

Infringement of a U.S. patent is fairly straightforward for a company manufacturing in the United States. If it makes, uses, […]

gavel and money symbol

Sensible Disclosure Concerning Litigation Finance

Lobbyists opposed to litigation finance promote the misconception that it is fundamentally unethical. They contend that unless relationships between funders […]

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