
gavel and money symbol

Sensible Disclosure Concerning Litigation Finance

Lobbyists opposed to litigation finance promote the misconception that it is fundamentally unethical. They contend that unless relationships between funders […]

English Courts Possess Powerful Tools for U.S. Litigation

This article focuses on two potent interim remedies that an English court can grant in aid of U.S. court proceedings: […]

Contractual Potholes on the Road to M&A

Ambiguity, not clarity, can emerge from the complex documentation prepared in an M&A deal. A Delaware case, LSVC Holdings, LLC […]

Supreme Court PDR Decision Could Upend Regulatory Ground Rules

In PDR Network, LLC v. Carlton & Harris Chiropractic, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court is considering the question of whether […]

SEC Zeros in on Celebrity Promotions

The enhanced publicity garnered from celebrity involvement in an SEC action can help the agency warn and educate a broader […]

Insider Trading and the Personal Benefit Requirement

A recent decision from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York illustrates the broad reach […]

Keys to a Successful Joint Defense Group

A joint in-house counsel defense group can maximize effectiveness and position the defense for the best possible outcome in litigation. […]

Out-of-State Deposition and Discovery in Texas

Most states have enacted the Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act, which simplifies procedures for issuing subpoenas for out-of-state discovery, including […]

Planning for a Smooth Client Transition

A major generational swing is currently underway in the workforce, as roughly 75 million baby boomers — who hold about […]

Faster, Cheaper, Smarter The Future of Artificial Intelligence in E-Discovery

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in legal technology began during the document review phase of electronic discovery, which accounts, […]

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