
Legal Departments Lead Industry-Wide Change

About five years ago, a group of in-house counsel from large corporations started to meet informally. They expressed frustrations with […]

Risks of Contractual Joint Ventures for Government Contracts

Parties pursuing government contracts or grants enter into joint ventures for many reasons. But joint venture participants often are unaware […]

How to Get the Best Legal Services

Alternative fee arrangements (AFAs) can be of benefit to legal departments and law firms. According to the American Bar Association, […]

Business Continuity Plan for the Legal Department

External threat, and its impact on the legal department’s ability to meet its mission and sustain its business processes during […]

Resource Alignment is a Big Law Department Challenge

Cost control was ranked as the top challenge facing law departments, according to the 2017 HBR Consulting Law Department Survey, […]

A New Weapon for Creditors in Europe

Certain claimants and judgment creditors domiciled in 26 European Union member states enjoy access to a new weapon against evasive […]

Prosecutorial Discretion — the Quick ITC Escape

The United States International Trade Commission’s (ITC) third decision in five years not to investigate an alleged violation of Section […]

Information Security as a Legal/Business Partnership

Compliance with information security regulations should not be viewed simply as sunk cost or minimal value-add activity. It should be […]

Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues in M&A

Privacy and cybersecurity laws and the accompanying risks involved in M&A are rapidly evolving. While your business team is wrapping […]

Some PTAB Procedural Decisions Can Be Appealed

In January 2018, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit issued its en banc decision in Wi-Fi […]

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