Privilege Place with Todd Presnell

business person using smartphone for email

Employer Policies and Employee Personal Privileged Emails

Death, taxes, and employees sending personal emails via the employer’s email server. We know it happens despite policies preventing or […]

untangling corporate privilege weave of waivers concept

Untangling Corporate Privilege: Deciphering the Complex Weave of Waivers

The principles that govern waivers for corporate entities are like a woven tapestry. In one direction we find patterns that […]

courthouse columns

Ask the Court If You Want Confidentiality

Abraham Lincoln’s wisdom revealed itself in a variety of spheres, ranging from the adversities associated with frontier life to challenges […]

Supreme Court in Washington DC at Sunset

Supreme Court Dismisses Privilege Case: What Now for In-House Lawyers?

There have been several horrifically bad predictions throughout time.  In 1903, a bank president predicted to a Ford Motor Company […]

once in a blue moon

Once In a Blue Moon Privilege Ruling

The idiom “once in a blue moon” refers to something that happens rarely, of course, and derives from the real-life […]

Woman lips whispering in man's ear

A Whisper Doesn’t Cut It

“Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn’t cut it.” Many attribute this quote to James […]

Free Wifi

The More Things Change

The pandemic ushered in a panoply of behavioral changes in the workplace, ranging from virtual conferences to repetitive use of […]

taking an oath

Willing to Take an Oath?

Although the subject of academic debate, many scholars agree that the privilege against self-incrimination arose in part from growing opposition […]

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

As Benjamin Franklin once mused, “If a man could have half of his wishes, he would double his troubles.” In-house […]

Privelege Place - Presnell

Sharpen Your Axe for Board Minutes and Reports

The great frontier lawyer Abraham Lincoln once made the thought-provoking statement that if asked to chop down a tree in […]

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