Outside Counsel

Cartoon of a smiling stick figure in holding a drill after drilling a hole in his own boat.

Expected Increase In Legal Malpractice Claims

A Georgia attorney with a legal malpractice specialty reports that malpractice carriers are expecting to see a claims uptick. Historical […]

Stylized design/illustration of angry or dissatisfied oval faces.

The Looming Threat Of Data Breach Class Actions

A post from law firm Quinn Emanuel begins with a parade of horribles, listing some of the painful consequences suffered […]

A drawing based on the famous DaVinci rending of a human form, arms outstretched, with a kind of geometic circle.

The Complex Anatomy Of Cyber Insurance

Cyber liability insurance, often discussed as if there is a general understanding of what it entails, has many variations. There […]

Two stick figures sitting across from each other at a table, discussing money.

Million Dollar Fine In First Ever CCPA Settlement

The first settlement ever under the California Consumer Privacy Act requires cosmetics retailer Sephora to pay $1.2 million in penalties. […]

Regro illustration of crowd, probably late 18th C London, crowding around looking at the news.

Lloyd’s Bulletin Y5381 Has The Market In A Tizzy

Issued on August 16, with the title “State backed cyber-attack exclusions,” Lloyd’s Market Bulletin Ref: Y5381 says in part that […]

Two symmetical shadowy male figures, out of focus, facing each other and gesturing as if talking to each other.

Dangerous Hybrid: “Psychological” Cyber Crime

Sophisticated cyber-engineering skills are not required. At work here is a new iteration of an old archetype, the con artist […]

Image of human figure on a compouter screen, as he is pulling a rope attached to an envelope that is imaged on an adjacent computer screen.

$600K Phishing Attack Not Covered By Computer Fraud Policy

The operative term for what happened to a company called SJ Computers is a BEC  (“business email compromise”) attack, sometimes […]

Three ghostly or plaster human figures lurking around office desks with computer screens on them.

$15M For “Passing Around” An Article, And No Insurance Coverage

An investment advisory firm that subscribed to a trade publication found its articles so useful it “passed them around,” rather […]

Surreal image in slhouette; man walking across beam-like structure with cityscape in background.

Companies Ignoring Looming Privacy Regs

The world of privacy regulation was “irreparably changed” by the Equifax hack of May, 2017, according to post from law […]

Illustration of a word balloon broken in half.

Zealous Advocate Caught On Tape Deriding His Own Med Mal Case

In Orange County, CA., a prominent defense attorney won a medical malpractice case, after successfully casting doubt on the cause […]

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