In-House News

Developments In Corporate Litigation Finance

The process has become mainstream and there are now dozens of major funders operating worldwide. For them the next frontier is the …

Trump’s SCOTUS Choice, Judge Kavanaugh, Just Opined On “Privilege”

Brett Kavanaugh, the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court and current judge on the Court of Appeals for the DC […]

Real Cybersecurity Tips for Law Firms

Quick takes from a mix of experts, especially targeted to small and mid-sized law firms.  While some of the recommendations […]

Turning E-Discovery Concepts Into Practice

Some familiar e-discovery concepts, what they mean in practice, and why they should not allowed to default into….

Company Execs Want “FICO” Scores For Law Firms’ Security

An influential group of corporate executives is pushing for a system to grade law firms on the quality of their […]

The Lawyer Who Gave Sexual Harassment Its Name

A look back at the career and contribution of lawyer and legal scholar Catharine A. MacKinnon, whose 1979 book…


“It’s time to ensure that your company has a strong policy prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace and that the […]

Resource Alignment Is A Big Law Department Challenge

A survey found that legal departments, despite increased demand for their services, managed to keep their spending flat last year. […]

Bridging The Gap Between IT & Legal

In an e-discovery project, IT and Legal personnel need to work together as seamlessly and smoothly as possible. That can […]

White Hats & “Vulnerability Scans” Touted As Security Ploys

A close look at a cyber-liability lawsuit that targets a law firm that did not, to anyone’s knowledge, actually suffer a breach, with some recommendation for….

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