Read up on the latest case involving Title VII harassment claims and what employers need to know.
Discover why supply chains are prime targets for cyberattacks, increasing the need for cyber resilience for manufacturers.
Gain insights from a 7% increase in cyberattacks in the first quarter of 2024 as cybercriminals use AI to bolster their capabilities and create fake credentials.
Read more about The Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative and why it’s becoming the go-to strategy for enforcing contractor cybersecurity in federal agencies.
Learn why data sprawl is making it hard for organizations to implement endpoint data control and other data governance practices.
In 2023 there were roughly 245k third-party cyberattacks, with an estimated cost of $46 billion to the affected companies. Learn more about this rising threat.
Read about recent rulings around Bankruptcy Code Section 363(m) and how it protects asset buyers in bankruptcy, limiting appeals without a stay.
Discover the steps you need to execute a smooth transition to AI in your legal tech stacks.
With an increased revenue threshold and the elimination of certain tax reporting burdens for smaller businesses, compliance just got easier.
Discover the difference between data retention and data preservation and how they can conflict with one another.
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