Discover how to avoid privacy violations with Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) by using network traffic analysis to detect failures and avoid costly litigation and regulatory issues.
Read more about the new guidance from the European Data Protection Board. It outlines steps for effective vendor compliance, emphasizing data supply chain mapping and safeguards verification.
Explore how the role of Chief Compliance Officers has evolved into a strategic asset, guiding risk resilience, fostering ethical culture, and aligning compliance with growth.
Find out why you should invest in an affordable learning management system and how to select the right one to meet your department’s goals.
Discover key strategies from a recent LawVu webinar for adopting AI successfully, including knowledge building, due diligence, and security.
Understand why secure document storage solutions’ organizational structure, controlled access, and data security are essential in managing sensitive information.
Is genAI a potential alternative to technology-assisted review for eDiscovery? Delve into the reasons genAI could replace TAR in the future.
Learn more about SEC charges against a board director for a hidden relationship, highlighting critical lessons in disclosure compliance and board independence standards.
Learn about a new development in supply chain attacks, where bad actors are targeting NPM packages to embed blockchain-enabled malware for command and control.
The court dismissed an antitrust class action against competing hotels, ruling that using the same software doesn’t prove collusion in a price-fixing conspiracy.
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