
Juxtaposing AI, TAR and Search Terms

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) within the legal world has been a challenging issue for more than a decade. […]

Bolster Your Organization’s Resilience in the Face of Change

While repeatedly rebounding from disruption is tough, some companies have a recipe for success: a systems mindset emphasizing agility, psychological […]

A pair of glasses with "psychedelic" design where lenses should be, on a bright orange background.

California Prohibits Discrimination Based on Employees’ Offsite Cannabis Use

On September 18, 2022, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2188 into law. The bill, which will go into effect on […]

The U.S. Is Far Behind as the E.U. Passes Act to Regulate AI

Weed In the Workplace

A management consultancy advises employers on how to craft a policy for marijuana in the workplace. First consideration: Marijuana is […]

Open law book with a judge's gavel at the center where the pages meet.

First Ever Company Hit With “ATA” Antiterrorism Law

For the first time, 18 U.S.C. § 2339B of the Antiterrorism Act (“ATA”) has been invoked to prosecute a company […]

New Ransomware Gang Hits Sony

Ransomware Gangs Target Manufacturers

They want lots of money and they want it fast, which is why ransomware gangs are increasingly attacking companies in […]

Crime scene, police car and paddy wagon in the street; yellow tape around an area of the sidewalk.

A Specialty Coverage Whose Time Has Come

A new product, variously referred to as “active assailant insurance” or “active shooter insurance,” has entered the marketplace. An article […]

Swaps and Derivatives Facing Greater Scrutiny

Speaking on a panel at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association’s Annual Legal Forum, the chief trial attorney at the […]

Plastic refuse floating deep under the sea.

Coming Litigation Storm Over Plastics

A number of news outlets, including BNN Bloomberg, have reported a recent study predicting that massive litigation targeting the plastics […]

The SPAC Made Me Do IT!

Trevor Milton, founder of alternative-fueled vehicle company Nikola Corp., was convicted Oct 14 of deceiving investors with inflated claims about […]

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