
Twitter Rejects Class Action, Laid-Off Workers Claim Coercion

In a brief filed on November 21, 2022, Twitter Inc. asked a California federal judge to send a class action alleging mass […]

Corporate Transparency Act Kicks In Soon

Understanding and Managing Data Privacy and Its Ethics Implications

The challenge with managing data privacy is no longer what organizations can do with data, but what should they do. In a recent episode […]

Five Ways to Approach Communicating Your Company’s Strategy

For too long, communicating strategy has been an afterthought. Organizations find it difficult to communicate effectively, as it requires engaging […]

Cartoon of a smiling stick figure in holding a drill after drilling a hole in his own boat.

Expected Increase In Legal Malpractice Claims

A Georgia attorney with a legal malpractice specialty reports that malpractice carriers are expecting to see a claims uptick. Historical […]

The Argument For Mediating Employment Disputes

An article in covers the basics of mediating, and offers five arguments why both plaintiffs and defendants should favor […]

Avoid Early Retirement Program Mistakes

Implementing a voluntary early retirement incentive program requires caution, according to attorneys John L. Litchfield and Belinda S. Morgan of […]

An symbolic assembly of objects: On the left a roll of bills; in the middle tiles with arrows on them, some pointing left, some right; on the right a wooden piece, a bit like a chess piece. Symbolically, that figure could be "liable."

Cybersecurity Failures Bring Heavy D&O Risk

Studies from major carriers and consultants, including a survey from Willis Towers Watson in conjunction with law firm Clyde & […]

Color illustration of man sweeping debris - paper, etc. - under a rug.

DHS Official To In-House Lawyers: Don’t Be “Risk-Averse” About Reporting Cyber Attacks

Too many in-house counsel yield to an “ingrained, cultural risk aversion” and fail to report cyber attacks, says a senior […]

No-Poach Agreements Lose In the Eleventh Circuit

The DOJ, the FTC, and multiple class action suits filed by plaintiffs’ lawyers are challenging no-poach agreements. The argument is […]

There’s More than One Privacy and Data Protection Law in Virginia

On January 1, 2023, Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act (CPDA) will take effect. It provides rights, contractual provisions and security obligations, […]

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