In a brief filed on November 21, 2022, Twitter Inc. asked a California federal judge to send a class action alleging mass […]
The challenge with managing data privacy is no longer what organizations can do with data, but what should they do. In a recent episode […]
For too long, communicating strategy has been an afterthought. Organizations find it difficult to communicate effectively, as it requires engaging […]
A Georgia attorney with a legal malpractice specialty reports that malpractice carriers are expecting to see a claims uptick. Historical […]
An article in covers the basics of mediating, and offers five arguments why both plaintiffs and defendants should favor […]
Implementing a voluntary early retirement incentive program requires caution, according to attorneys John L. Litchfield and Belinda S. Morgan of […]
Studies from major carriers and consultants, including a survey from Willis Towers Watson in conjunction with law firm Clyde & […]
Too many in-house counsel yield to an “ingrained, cultural risk aversion” and fail to report cyber attacks, says a senior […]
The DOJ, the FTC, and multiple class action suits filed by plaintiffs’ lawyers are challenging no-poach agreements. The argument is […]
On January 1, 2023, Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act (CPDA) will take effect. It provides rights, contractual provisions and security obligations, […]
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