
Close up of a few keys on a keyboard. One of them has a "thumbs down" icon on it.

Can Employers Say “Nope” To Rehiring An Injured Worker?

An employer may not want to bring an injured worker back on the payroll for any number of reasons. Among […]

Attorney/Client Privilege In Cross-Border Advocacy

Deborah R Meshulam, Katrina A Hausfeld, Laura Ford, Piotr Falarz, and Shabaz Ahmed of DLA Piper provide a comprehensive guide […]

Cartoonish illustration of a man on a ladder trying to fix a house broken up into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.

Ohio Supreme Court Says No Property Coverage For Ransomware

In a unanimous ruling, the Ohio Supreme Court held that ransomware costs to a medical billing software company are not […]

Stylized illustration of part of a huge pile of envelopes.

Yahoo Wins TCPA Coverage Dispute In CA Supreme Court

At $500 for every class member who received an unwanted communication (or “actual damages,” whichever is higher), penalties for violations […]

Goodbye SEC Enforcement

GP Has “Broad Flexibility” to Commit Willful Misconduct

In 2021 the Delaware Court of Chancery ordered the General Partner of Boardwalk (a master limited partnership) to pay the […]

Two cartoonish figures grappling with a big cut chain over their heads, with a big arrow pointing to the broken part.

FTC Proposal Would Ban Nearly All Noncompetes

It’s a dramatic development, says a post from law firm Fisher Phillips, and if finalized in its current form “would […]

Draft Decision On Transferring Personal Data From EU to US

On December 31 the European Commission published a draft decision on adequate protection of personal data under the EU-U.S. Data […]

97 Companies Under Investigation For FCPA-Related Activities

The FCPA Blog has a digest of 2022 enforcement actions with a link to a more detailed report. According to […]

New Ransomware Gang Hits Sony

Will Cyberattacks Become “Uninsurable’”?

The days of organizations relying on insurance policies to cover losses after a cyberattack may be coming to an end. […]

Fur coat, gold necklace and fancy possibly men's fur hat, hanging on a coat rack.

What He Would Have Said

Sam Bankman-Fried was set to testify on his own behalf before the House Committee on Financial Services when he was […]

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