
Avoid a Tower of Babel When Managing a Cyber Crisis

Although cyberattacks have become more common, incident response is still a stressful and hectic process. Cooperation between management and tech teams […]

Can Technology Be a Business and Innovation Enabler for Change-Resistant Legal Departments?

Company leaders are reexamining their operational systems to increase agility, resilience, and responsiveness, but true company-wide transformation won’t happen until […]

Divergent Views On Facilitation Payments

FCPA Blog notes that Glencore, a large Swiss mining and commodities company, paid $700 million to settle widespread Foreign Corrupt […]

Combined icons of wrench and a "setting" icon that appear to be on the kind of plate that might be screwed on to a machine.

Mixed Reviews For New York’s Right-To-Repair Law

With the exception of one narrowly drawn Colorado law that pertained to powered wheel chairs, New York state’s right-to-repair law […]

Albertson Kroger Merger Clears One Hurdle, Faces More

The $24.6 billion buyout of Kroger by Albertson’s will make a ton of money for private-equity giant Cerberus and a […]

A cubist-style illustration of a man with several arms that appear to be reaching out to various icons of technology- gears, computer screens, light bulbs, etc.

Mayer Brown Preview: Technology, Privacy, Cybersecurity & IP (Europe And The US)

A look at the year ahead compiled by a group of Mayer Brown attorneys, many of them from the firm’s […]

Woman wearing mask facing forward, arms folded. The background is a superimposed sketch of a muscular arms flexing biceps.

EEOC Outlines Its Proposed Enforcement Priorities

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has released a draft of proposed enforcement priorities for the years 2023 through 2027. Law […]

Louisiana Ruling Compels Insured To Arbitrate

Belmont Commons, LLC, a Louisiana business, insured property it owns in New Orleans through joint subscription with eleven foreign and […]

City National Bank Agrees To Record Redlining Settlement

According to a consent order obtained by the DOJ, LA-based City National Bank, a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada, […]

Does the $400 Million DPC Decision Against Meta Take “Necessity” into Account?

Meta kicked off the New Year with a fine of over $400 million levied by the Irish Data Protection Commission […]

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