
California Wants to Add Teeth to Penalties for Noncompete Clauses

California has long voided post-employment noncompete clauses under section 16600 of the California Business and Professional Code. In January of […]

Gen Z In the Workforce Led To Title VII Claims

In February 2023, BarkerGilmore interviewed 25 Chief Compliance Officers in various industries to learn about their challenges. Their responses highlighted […]

A field of wind turbines at night in a storm, lit up by lightening.

Gathering “NIMBY” Storm Over Renewable Energy Siting

The siting of renewable energy infrastructure (mainly wind turbines and solar arrays) has become a contentious issue in the US, […]

Illustration of a diverse group of health care workers, all wearing scrubs, standing in a group facing the viewer.

Threat Of Violence Rampant In Healthcare, And OSHA May Step In

Violence directed against healthcare workers, already alarming before the COVID pandemic, has gotten worse. A post from law firm Ogletree […]

Trending Cybersecurity Threats and Responses

The era of individual hackers is over. Now the dominant threat comes from sophisticated organizations that use tools like AI […]

Trends In Economic and Anti-Money Laundering Sanctions

The Paul Weiss firm has published a survey of economic sanctions and anti-money laundering trends. The big story in both […]

Delivery van in a city, with a blurred background suggesting it might be speeding.

A Finger-Wag For The Last-Milers

Many companies in the so called last-mile delivery business are blaming nuclear verdicts, greedy plaintiff lawyers and “social inflation” for […]

Voluntary Self-Disclosure of Misconduct

The DOJ released a new policy governing self-disclosure of corporate criminal wrongdoing on Feb. 23. The policy entitled “United States […]

Review of Renewable Energy M&A in 2022, Outlook for 2023

M&A in the renewable energy sector started slowly in 2022, but gained steam with passage of the Inflation Reduction Act […]

Why Change Management Is Necessary for Success

Every organization will, at some point, undergo a transition or change. Whether your company is undergoing an organizational change or […]

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