In an interview, Karen Meyer, CEO of Contract Logix, discusses contract lifecycle management and how it can help general counsel […]
In the second of a four-part blog series, Jim Gill of Hanzo discusses collaboration data challenges faced by organizations prior to […]
As some legal firms and legal ops departments have begun building their own client-facing applications, clients will be demanding a single […]
Before generative AI was publicly available, multiple resources were required to run disinformation campaigns effectively. However, this new technology has made it […]
On May 3, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a plan to bar Facebook’s parent company Meta from monetizing […]
Project management focuses on planning and organizing projects that address organizational changes and can range from integrating new technology to […]
Before generative AI was publicly available, multiple resources were required to run disinformation campaigns effectively. However, this new technology has made it […]
Final Pay vs. Performance Disclosure Rules adopted by the SEC are the most significant change in executive compensation disclosure in […]
Hackers breached the network of Sysco, a big global food distribution company, earlier this year. In an internal memo sent […]
When the Mall of America opened in Bloomington, Mn. in 1992 it was hailed as the ninth wonder of the […]
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