Mediations and judicial settlement conferences are the primary methods for compromise between litigants. Most parties to such discussions agree that […]
If you are wondering what is happening with consumer data privacy laws in the United States, nothing has been done […]
Before 2010, the SEC’s in-house court could only hear cases that involved the subjects of its direct enforcement powers; investment […]
As legal operations teams have become increasingly important in the procurement industry, we need to consider the key elements required […]
Last week, the European Union (E.U.) took an important step toward passing one of the first major laws to regulate artificial […]
Companies need to review their due diligence with respect to existing customers and new business opportunities to account for sanctions, […]
Cutting-edge tech – AI, cryptocurrency, blockchain, metaverse environments – provide advanced levels of innovation and efficiency, but they also introduce […]
Several ransomware gangs have stopped using malware to encrypt targets’ files and have switched to a data theft/extortion approach to get […]
Legal departments have long been making mistakes that overwhelm in-house counsel — mistakes that result in manual task overload, contract […]
Long COVID is now classed as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and employers must accommodate workers suffering […]
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