In a recent interview, Nick Vandivere of Thomson Reuters says that his company’s clients have generally accepted the value of […]
According to a Politico article, the FBI and law enforcement officials from six other countries recently broke into the servers […]
According to the New York Times, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York begins a series of listening sessions Sept 13th […]
Today’s Intellectual Property Business Management (IPBM) is shifting from an IP prosecution-based lifecycle to a business-integrated model, according to an […]
According to a news release by the Washington Attorney General, the state of Washington filed a suit against O’Reilly Auto […]
Be ready for more attacks in the future if you are thinking of paying the ransom after a ransomware attack. […]
The month of July saw one of the highest numbers of ransomware attacks in 2023. At 441, it was second […]
In an August ruling, the First Circuit ruled that provisions in compensation plans that allow employers to modify commissions on […]
Legal Ops and e-discovery professionals know how critical it is to have an information governance program in place to ensure […]
ChatGPT and similar AI tools are infiltrating workplaces around the world. Employers need to consider implementing policies that explain whether […]
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