The FTC and 17 states are suing Amazon after more than a decade of complaints by regulators and consumer advocates […]
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are important management practices for any legal department. They are metrics that can help businesses attain […]
The recent surge in ransomware demands has become a growing concern for companies. This increase in ransomware activity comes after […]
In-house legal teams have been scrambling to figure out how to govern ChatGPT, or generative AI, since it burst upon […] debuted in September. It has made several successful attacks, including Sony Group Corporation, the Japan-based multinational. It has released […]
Daisy Alina, writing in United States Cybersecurity Magazine, highlights signs that you need to improve your enterprise security. Frequent incidents […]
Ransomware attacks were mainly responsible for a significant jump in the number of cyber-insurance claims during the first half of […]
Delaware is now the 13th state to enact a comprehensive data privacy law. The state passed this law on September […]
Contractors and subcontractors on federally-funded construction projects must pay prevailing wages for workers engaged at the “site of the work,” […]
Delaware is the 13th state to enact a comprehensive data privacy law, reports the National Law Review. The law takes […]
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