
The First Three Months Of New Fed Rule 37 (e)

The first three months under the aegis of a new and closely watched federal rule are put under the microscope […]

Rule Amendment Encodes Proportionality

Possibly the most important of the recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relate to Rule 26(b)(1), which […]

Big Data can be Asset or Vulnerability

Big data can be tracked and analyzed to help understand customer habits, to customize solutions and products, and to leverage […]

Build A Company-Wide Culture Of Compliance

At the same time that budgets are flat or increasing modestly, the job of legal departments keeps getting bigger and […]

Judge Lambastes Gibson Dunn Over Missing Bridgegate Notes

The firm has been sharply criticized by a federal judge for the “unorthodox approach” it took in its investigation of the Christie administration Bridgegate lane-closing scandal.

A Guide To The Basics Of E-Discovery

The e-discovery software provider Exterro Inc. has released an interactive guide, starting with a history and moving to eight clear chapters on….

Build a Company-Wide Culture of Compliance

Current digital technology trends are making the job of the corporate legal department more difficult. A shift in the IT […]

Avoiding Flotsam in Large Volumes of Data

A recent survey finds that searching through vast amounts of electronically stored information for responsive data is the number one […]

Ingredients of a Sound Legal Hold

Among in-house counsel there is much angst around e-discovery, and for good reasons: mounting costs, rampant techno-babble and a pronounced […]

Applying “Moneyball” to the Legal Department

Twenty years ago, baseball front offices bankrolled scouts who would evaluate talent by box score and physical stature. Fast forward […]

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