Zapproved, Inc.’s Brad Harris finds a multiplier effect resulting from the rapid processing of information that has become available through e-discovery […]
“Anyone who has had the dubious pleasure of reviewing contracts for a legal, regulatory, or business matter knows that nothing […]
Emojis are graphical icons or images used to express concepts, such as an idea or an emotion, that can be […]
One of the biggest challenges posed by legal holds is getting compliance by the employees who are subject to it. […]
Overseas privacy laws have become a big risk factor for corporate counsel at multinational companies, according to a post from […]
Vice-President-Elect Mike Pence is embroiled in a government transparency case related to emails he sent to a political ally while […]
The advanced technology that allows an app to build a better play list for music fans than they can put […]
A basic how-to article about how to take the stress out of an e-discovery project, from Joe Mulenex, Director of […]
A recommended ten-point program for cyber-attack prevention begins with a most basic precaution – don’t collect information you don’t need […]
Companies that have become the subject of cross-border investigations are in a situation that is many respects beyond their control. […]
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