
Billion Dollar Lead Paint Lawsuit Won’t Go Away

In California, a lawsuit targeting three lead paint manufacturers is at 17 years and counting. Plaintiffs are 10 California cities […]

How Insourcing E-Discovery Affects Law Departments and Firms

Insourcing of legal services constitutes  a major shift in the legal market. Seventy- seven percent of those surveyed in Exterro’s […]

The E-Discovery Imperative

A conservative estimate suggests 44 zettabytes of data will be produced  annually in the next three years. With over a […]

An Expert Conversation About “Proportionality”

E-Discovery software company Exterro convened three experts to discuss a recent case where the concept of “proportionality,” as addressed by […]

Vermont Case Raises Dicey Question: Are State AG Emails “Privileged”?

When the Vermont Attorney General’s office was preparing to investigate Exxon Mobil for allegedly hiding its own climate change research, […]

Structured Data Analysis In E‑Discovery

Electronically stored information can be boiled down to two types, unstructured and structured. Lawyers are most familiar with unstructured data […]

Tips To Optimize Your Preservation Process

Keeping mind that data now exists on multiple platforms, that it’s fluid, changeable and constantly being sent, received, edited, moved and deleted…

Insourcing, International Due Diligence And Data-Culling

In a Q&A, a look at trends in e-discovery and the adoption of e-discovery technologies by both in-house legal departments and law firms.

Can FOIA Get To Private Emails?

What looked like a clear answer in a 2016 appeals court decision was qualified by a federal court earlier this […]

E-Discovery Trends To Watch In 2017

Significant amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure late in 2015, followed by a flood of judicial opinions interpreting […]

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