In a world that’s increasingly characterized by automation, the legal industry is trying to figure out what it looks like […]
It sounds simple but it can get complicated. One complication: overlapping holds, and “lack of clarity around what ESI is […]
A federal court ruled that a woman who worked under the general counsel of a collection agency as a “litigation […]
Insourcing of e-discovery and other legal functions is more than a trend. It constitutes a major shift in the legal […]
When it comes to electronic discovery, you never know where the proverbial smoking gun might be hiding. It could be […]
Companies can do better for themselves than the typical boilerplate in the arbitration provisions of their consumer and business contracts, […]
In addition to understanding the technology of their client’s business, lawyers need to understand the technology that is part of […]
The contrast is stark. As some realms become tightly private – e.g. what’s controlled through arbitration or non-disclosure agreements – […]
Digital capture of information has moved into areas that were difficult to imagine a generation ago. Information such as how […]
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has sued an Ohio law firm that has a specialty in collecting debts. The firm […]
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