A recent decision from a federal district court in Louisiana provides a “ short but instructive privilege opinion for in-house […]
A recent opinion from the Northern District of Illinois sided with defendant Experian, in a case where a plaintiff wanted […]
Ex movie-mogul Harvey Weinstein has sued his former company to regain access to his email account, as well as his […]
The increase in data has serious legal implications for American businesses in the areas of data security, e-discovery, and recordkeeping. […]
The increased use of technology in the workplace has added to the complexity of e-discovery. Relevant, discoverable information may be […]
A little noticed Supreme Court decision from earlier this year could have a significant impact in discovery disputes, by defining an important limit on the “inherent authority” power of a judge to impose sanctions.
U.S. lawyers from Jones Day had conducted an internal investigation for Volkswagen as part of their representation of the company […]
Controlling the burgeoning costs of e-discovery was a prime driver behind the 2015 amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil […]
Taking a backdoor approach to a looming cybersecurity problem, legislation proposed by a bipartisan group of senators would impose significant […]
In e-discovery, you never know where you’re going to find the proverbial smoking gun. It could be in a smartphone […]
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