The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) makes compliance with litigation holds more complicated. United States courts expect corporate litigants […]
How the next generation of e-discovery platforms is using analytics to drive efficiency, cost-savings and quality of results, and promising. to move e-discovery from the exclusive….
In the standard Electronic Discovery Reference Model flow chart, the box farthest to the left refers to information governance – the process of getting your house in order…
A recent decision from the New York Court of Appeals found that Facebook posts are not entitled to protection, even […]
A new rule that explicitly encourages technology-assisted review in the Commercial Division of the New York state courts, the arm […]
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) complicates compliance with litigation holds. United States courts expect corporate litigants to […]
E-discovery has increased both the demand and importance of corporate witness testimony. After culling, application of keywords, technology assistance and […]
The defendant mortgage company conducted an internal investigation under the aegis of its outside lawyers, after an allegation that it […]
A ruling from the Second Circuit Court earlier this year is a cautionary tale about the importance of implementing sound […]
Brett Kavanaugh, the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court and current judge on the Court of Appeals for the DC […]
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