Continuing Education
To prepare graduates for a rapidly-shifting legal environment, some law schools are incorporating business education, entrepreneurship and emerging technology into […]
In some states, prospective law students can pursue an alternative path to becoming a lawyer: an apprenticeship studying under a […]
The LSAT organization “engaged in widespread and systemic discrimination” against test-takers with disabilities, the Justice Department said in announcing a […]
Before entering law school, a future attorney’s father assured him that “You can do anything with a law degree.” One […]
The number of law school grads from top-tier programs unable to find jobs is 60 percent lower than those from […]
Yale law students need not learn the school’s fight song – chanting “We’re number one” will suffice for another year, […]
An American Bar Association committee tasked with providing a comprehensive overview of bar exam standards has given up, for now, […]
Attorneys working in Florida as state prosecutors or public defenders would have up to $44,000 of their law-school debt forgiven […]
Arguments over the student-led structure of law review journals are nothing new, but recent surveys show the article selection process […]
Small app developers and other entrepreneurs threatened by patent troll litigation have a new force in their corner. It’s the […]
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